About ILF


Can you imagine not being able to read a newspaper, a road sign or directions on a bottle of medication? Sadly, this is a reality faced by many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders living in remote communities today. The Indigenous Literacy Foundation (ILF) raises awareness and funds for children in remote Indigenous communities across Australia. Watch the video for a rundown of the crucial work undertaken by the organisation.

The Indigenous Literacy Foundation (ILF) aims to raise literacy levels and improve the lives and opportunities of Indigenous children living in remote and isolated regions. This is done by providing books and literacy resources to communities and raising broad community awareness of Indigenous literacy issues.  The Foundation is an initiative of the Australian Book Industry drawing on its diverse range of expertise, skills and resources. It works with the support of the Australian Publishers Association, the Australian Booksellers Association and the Australian Society of Authors.

The mission of the ILF is to make a positive difference in the lives of Australian Indigenous children by focusing on ways to improve their literacy levels.  The ILF believes that a young child’s future educational experiences can be greatly improved through enjoyable and positive engagements with books in the family and community environment at an early age. The key objective of the Foundation is to make a positive difference in the lives of young Australian Indigenous children so that they are enabled to make the most of their educational opportunities in schools. ILF places the utmost emphasis on the importance of early literacy development in enhancing the life potential of every child in society.

The ILF literacy strategy will:
– provide books and support Australian Indigenous parents so they and their young children and babies can enjoy literacy experiences together;
– encourage links between the book trade, schools and libraries to ensure the supply of books in remote Indigenous communities;
– assist with the writing and publishing of books in the child’s first language as well as English;
– ensure engagement and familiarity with the range and types of books that children will experience in schools

The Indigenous Literacy Foundation acknowledges and respects the unique place of Australia’s first peoples and commits its energy and resources to ensuring Australian Indigenous children have every opportunity, early in their lives, to do well in their school years.

Diesel n’Dub supports the work of the Indigenous Literacy Foundation by donating a percentage of digital and physical music sales from the project directly to the organisation. It also assists in raising awareness of the foundation, by promoting its work and campaigns wherever possible.

Find out more www.indigenousliteracyfoundation.org.au